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Alabama Magic logo

 Team and League History


February 1982

    American Football Association logo

A local group named Deep South Sports Projects, Inc. announces it has secured a new franchise in the American Football Association and will play a ten-game regular season schedule this May. In 1978, the Alabama Vulcans played one season in the AFA before folding due to financial difficulties. The league will be split into three divisions, with the top teams in each division playing in playoffs August 7th and 14th, with the American Bowl championship game scheduled to be played on August 21st. 

The team has already reserved Legion Field for three home games and is negotiating to play their remaining two home games in other stadiums around the state. In doing so, they hope to broaden their fan base. Former Auburn University wide receiver Jim Patton has been named General Manager of the unnamed team. "Deep South is excited about this opportunity to bring professional football to Alabama and to provide a forum for exceptional athletes to perform. We intend to field a winning team, playing an exciting brand of football in a league getting stronger each year. We have the best location and schedule in the Southeast Division and we intend to build a winning organization in every respect," Jim Patton said.

According to Deep South Promotion Manager Clay Collins, the name of the franchise will be taken from suggestions made by the fans. "The league has asked for a team name quickly, but since this team will represent Alabama, we feel the fans should name the team. The perfect name is out there in somebody's head and we want to find it," Collins said.

The AFA will be beginning its sixth season this summer. According to AFA Commissioner and President Roger Gill, "It's another shot for that near-miss player who didn't happen to be in the right place at the right time." Players will be paid 1% of the gate after stadium rental is paid. 


April 1982

    It is announced the team name would be chosen from popular suggestions of Magic, Ironmen and Spirit.   
    Steve Patton is introduced as the team's head coach. Steve Patton, who is the brother of General Manager Jim Patton, is currently the head coach of the football team and athletic director at Wade Hampton High School in Greenville, South Carolina. Steve Patton has no plans to leave his high school job at this time.

At the same press conference, Collins commented on the future of the new franchise by saying, "Our reception has been very good from individuals. Of course, the city has been burned by some teams in the past, and we have to establish our credibility. People are looking for straight shooters, and that's what we intend to be. We're not a group of people coming in from out of town. Everybody in our organization is local and interested in the community. We're not making a lot of promises we can't keep. What we want is to build a solid foundation, pay our bills as we go and be here for the long run. We've met some resistance. A lot of people have been burned by previous pro football groups and we know that. We simply want to let them know where we're coming from. We plan to do something here that hasn't been done before - shoot straight. This is a struggling league we're involved with, and we're not trying to compete with Alabama or Auburn or the National Football League in attendance. We're trying to present another avenue for athletes, not only for Birmingham, but for the state."

    It is announced that the team will be known as the Alabama Magic. Multiple entries for "Magic" were received, so all the contestant names were placed in a hat and the winner was a local youngster named Scott Adamson.   

May 1982

    Steve Patton says he wants more time to judge the future of his AFA franchise in light of the news that a United States Football League team is coming to town next year. "We've got to see how the AFA does this year. And, of course, the other league is a first-year league and we'll have to see how they do. It will give more players an opportunity to play. If they do better than us, we'll probably move to another area, but I don't foresee that. I understand they are going to schedule everything around cable TV, which will probably make them some money. But it doesn't turn me on to have a game every night of the week instead of all on the same night, just for TV. I don't think they're so concerned about people coming to the games. I think I can announce about us getting a cable TV deal going soon. But I'm really all for them. I'm for any business that can employ a lot of people and pay its bills," Steve Patton said.   

 1982 American Football Association  

  Southwest Division    Southeast Division   North Division  
  Austin Texans   Alabama Magic   Buffalo Gemini  
  Houston Armadillos   Carolina Storm   Canton Bulldogs  
  Oklahoma Thunder   Florida Suns   Roanoke Express  
  San Antonio Bulls   Georgia Pride   Virginia Chargers  
  Shreveport Americans    Jacksonville Sunbirds   West Virginia Rockets  
  Texas Wranglers   Tallahassee Statesmen     Wisconsin Gladiators  

June 1982

    The Florida Suns franchise is revoked by the league office due to their lack of sufficient finances.   

July 1979

    The league revokes the Roanoke Express franchise due to their bleak financial situation.   
    It is reported that the Magic players have yet to be paid for any of the six games played this season.   

August 1979

    Jim Patton responds to questions of the Magic's future by saying, "We plan to be in business next year." However, the Magic's fan base is a cause for alarm, with the largest crowd of the season being around 1,500. "A lot of the problem was my fault for getting into it without enough money to properly promote. Next year I plan to have the money to promote," Jim Patton said.

Jim Patton believes there are three main reasons his team didn't draw more fans to the stadium; the news Birmingham was getting a franchise in the USFL diverted interest away from the Magic, support from the business community was low and potential fans underestimated the quality of play. "We had the best players who weren't in the NFL. People who didn't come didn't realize how high the quality was, but those who came did realize it," Jim Patton said.

On the Magic's financial status, Jim Patton said the team should just about break even, "It looks like we'll have everything completely paid in a month or two. I think we'll be the first team ever in Birmingham to do that."

Jim Patton plans for the Magic to play again next summer, but he wants a few changes made in the AFA. The home team picks officials and and he wants that rule changed. He also wants a rule passed that would guarantee players at least $50 a week. If the AFA doesn't go along, the Magic would fold, however. "If I got out of this league I believe I'd get out of football, unless some of the more credible people in the AFA got together and formed a league," Jim Patton said.


Jim Patton claims the AFA is taking steps to strengthen itself for the 1983 season. Jim Patton is also a local attorney and has been appointed legal council to the executive committee that is contemplating the changes. "It looks like each team will have to put $50,000 in escrow as sort of a performance bond. There was no escrow this year. And they're considering upping membership dues, probably to $10,000 per member," Jim Patton said. Currently, membership dues are $5,000. Players will also be guaranteed pay, probably $100 per game as well as one percent of the gate after expenses have been paid. "They're going to go strictly with strong franchises. That may mean ten or twelve or fifteen teams. We started with eighteen and ended up with fifteen this year. I'm sure next year we'll finish with what we start with. The bottom line is that if the league exists next year it will be a stable league," Jim Patton said. 

Despite the USFL's Birmingham Stallions starting up next year, Jim Patton still insists the Magic will return to play in 1983.



      The Alabama Magic did not return in 1983.   
   Email Gene Crowley

Last Update: February 16, 2008